Hi, dears! today we are going learn what is keyword in SEO and the ways keywords help in SEO, this will make a lot of easy to get traffic on your blog posts. use long tail keywords learn more.
Hi, dears! today we are going learn what is keyword in SEO and the ways keywords help in SEO. if you are here to find the answers for the same question then you are at the right place! I am sure you have heard the word 'keyword' from many bloggers and finally reached here to know more about it.
There are many questions you have in your mind regarding keywords and their use if you are new to blogging or you are a beginner. but if you are blogging for some time then you might have encountered it. but this post is for both type of bloggers and this will help you find all the answer at the end of this article.
the main reason for using keywords correctly is to rank articles we write that helps us gain more visitors to our posts or articles. it is simple and clear that a post which ranks at the top of Google results will get more clicks and engagement which will also help to improve the domain authority of our blog or site and page rank. therefore, using them properly will make your content reachable, readable, and sharable.
there are many factors behind an SEO friendly post and so the keywords. therefore, you should never underestimate the use of keywords in SEO. to improve the performance of your site you must know what really it is.
simply a keyword is a phrase or sentence which we use in our title of articles and we also put these keywords at many places in our post. we can't imagine an article and its structure without keywords. all searches that are made on the google search engine involve keywords. these keywords are phrases and sentences but they are definite and focused. these keywords describe your article and are related to it.
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for example, how to use keywords, keywords tool, SEO friendly article, they all are keywords used to find definite information.
The first step of On-Page Seo is Keywords. no matter how good a quality content you write or do proper SEO but if you miss Keywords use in SEO then your all hard work is nothing but futile. keywords are those keys that help Search engines recognize your article and help them rank your post in search engine result page so you can get more visitors to your blog. targeted keywords are necessary for SEO and they must be relevant to your article.
just knowing what they are! is not enough. you must know that how you should use them and where? that is what that can help your article.
for the best results and performance, you must remember below tips.
#Use your Target keywords in Title, meta description, permalink, labels or tag carefully
so always use long tail keywords if possible.
I hope you understand the article and found that how keywords are useful in SEO and the types of keywords. ( long tail keywords and short tail keywords). now before writing your article always do keywords research and find 4-5 keywords to rank your article.
for keyword research read this article find keywords on every search for free | best free keyword tool and learn about keyword research. thanks for reading What is keyword in seo | use keywords to create quality contents.
what is a keyword in SEO
simply a keyword is a phrase or sentence which we use in our title of articles and we also put these keywords at many places in our post. we can't imagine an article and its structure without keywords. all searches that are made on the google search engine involve keywords. these keywords are phrases and sentences but they are definite and focused. these keywords describe your article and are related to it.
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for example, how to use keywords, keywords tool, SEO friendly article, they all are keywords used to find definite information.
importance of keywords in SEO
The first step of On-Page Seo is Keywords. no matter how good a quality content you write or do proper SEO but if you miss Keywords use in SEO then your all hard work is nothing but futile. keywords are those keys that help Search engines recognize your article and help them rank your post in search engine result page so you can get more visitors to your blog. targeted keywords are necessary for SEO and they must be relevant to your article.
just knowing what they are! is not enough. you must know that how you should use them and where? that is what that can help your article.
for the best results and performance, you must remember below tips.
#Use your Target keywords in Title, meta description, permalink, labels or tag carefully
#for more use them throughout the article but make sure they fit naturally.
#keyword stuffing will harm your content and will make you face penalties from Google.
#put your main keywords in starting of your title if it is possible.
#try to put them in the starting of your article and at the end of your article in the last paragraph.
#use them h2 and h3 headings
#use them image alt tag
Types of keywords in SEO
there are two types of keywords in SEO and both have their own importance.
Short tail keywords
as the name itself suggests, they are short and almost involve a maximum of three words. for example, keywords, SEO keywords, what is keywords. see all these examples they tell us that short tail keywords involve from one to three words.
Long tail keywords
long tail keywords are made of more than three words, unlike short tail keywords. see for examples, how to make money online, how to use keywords and ranked your article.
long tail keywords are easy to rank than short tail keywords because they are low competitive and also long tail keywords involve short tail keywords and help them rank easily.
so always use long tail keywords if possible.
I hope you understand the article and found that how keywords are useful in SEO and the types of keywords. ( long tail keywords and short tail keywords). now before writing your article always do keywords research and find 4-5 keywords to rank your article.
for keyword research read this article find keywords on every search for free | best free keyword tool and learn about keyword research. thanks for reading What is keyword in seo | use keywords to create quality contents.