start a tech blog with this steps and be the technical blogger. this guide will help you to run tech blog if you are just starting a blog. it is very important to be successful blogger if you have chosen tech blog as your career.
How to Start a Successful ''Technical Blog''? This may be a Question for you if you are just Starting a new blog. Creating a ''Tech Blog'' needs Verification of your Decision and Thoughts as other Blogs need and that is what going to help you for a long run. you must be aware of the fact that you must have to be serious about the niche or subject of your blog you choose. and most importantly the discipline toward your Blog Niche is the Destiny of your blog or your blogging career. Being Loyal to your readers and your blog itself is the key.
Being a Technical blogger means you are aware of all the hard works you will be putting and the Confirmation of your choice. Believe me, if you know what you have to do and what you will be doing then no one can stop you from your success. Now, this is clear if you have selected to run a 'Tech Blog' then you are passionate about it, you have something to do for it.
Before you work on your choice it is important to know your choice!
What is a Technical Blog?
'Tech Blog' involves many factors which make it a vast subject. it is simply a blog that covers all technical stuff and related ones. it shares knowledge of Computer, Smartphone, Android, Blogging, Social Media, Internet, Search Engines, Applications, Tutorials, Phone-PC Settings, Online Earning and much more Categories and Sub Categories. Technical Blogs are being read by millions every day and increasing day by day. with the help of these blogs, it is very easy to find solutions on the internet. now you can learn How to Create a blog and how to earn money.
Being a technical blogger means you got a niche that is going to help you for the long run and that is the main reason one goes for it and chooses it. As it has a huge space and demand.
How Technical Blog differs from other blogs?
There are many factors and aspects that make a tech blog different and a right choice from other kinds of various blogs. You can have full control over your blog and most importantly posting schedule! Yes, here you got freedom if we compare our niche to other niches. If you are managing a blog of other niches then it will be more hard regarding the schedule or publishing of posts.
Let's guess you are running a News Blog then you will have completely different schedule and plan. You can't miss anything even a slight change. For news blog, one needs to post daily not just one article but more. And this Is not possible to publish more posts than one for all. And you will find the same for other niches also like Sport, Hollywood, Bollywood and more others. Without being consistent you will give up one day if you are selecting these topics. I'm not threatening you, it's your choice. However, if you have enough time and you can manage your news blog or sport blog then no one can stop you. Remember always go for what you are passionate about. Your passion and choice will help you a lot to go smoothly on the path.
Advantages of Technical Blog
There are many advantages of technical blogging unlike other blogs like news and sport which have limits at many points. However, there are a lot of advantages of technical blogging let's see some important advantages that will help you understand better if you have selected the same topic or niche which is being discussed.
below are the two main of many advantages of a technical blog
(1) Recreation: the very first advantage of managing a tech blog is Recreation. yeah, you heard it right. did you get it what I mean to say? I think you might and some of you might not. don't worry, here it means you can now re-create your content using those old posts and articles and that is the beauty of the niche. the reason for using old stuff to reinvent is the demand. if you are running already a technical blog or have ever managed than you must have published a post or article which is recreated that you have created with the help of other posts on the internet. this helps more than anything else, updating content is an extra advantage and an updated content is more likely to be read and shared. you can't re-create news blog posts or sport blog posts.
people love new ideas with old topic and they usually search for it.
so it is good to find content that is relevant to the day, bringing some changes to it is good for traffic of your blog.
therefore, update it, make something different from old ones and beat your competitors.
it is always good to change the title of your post you just want to re-create
for an example.....
5 Best ways to boost your traffic (Old article)
5 Best proven strategies to increase blog traffic (new re-created article)
how to solve blogger template xml error
(2) Freedom and Availability: the second most important advantage of your tech blog is freedom and availability. if we talk about freedom then take other blogs and technical blog. here you don't have to worry about your busy schedule and your other activities of life that sometimes prevent you from publishing blog posts. you can manage your blog still publishing a single post per week or at least 4 posts per month. so try to create quality content you got time to do it. but that doesn't mean that you create only a post per month. remember to be consistent and do your work without being worried.
you know better that a news blog or a sport blog or other blog needs more than one post per day. because, in this field, there are more happenings daily. I have seen some news blogs publishing 7-8 posts per day.
now when it comes to availability our eyes go to the niche of our blog. here you don't have to worry about the categories you manage. but if you are going for a micro niche then you will face limits one day and will end your blogging soon. micro niche focus on limited things like smartphone. smartphone is a micro niche for your blog where you can only blog about smartphone again and again. posting the same things becomes boring and it has less chance to further. but you don't have to forget the availability, if you are focusing on tech niche then select tech itself, not any micro niche. under tech niche, you have various categories and sub-categories. you can run a technical blog involving various contents and categories such as computer, phone, android, blogging, make money review and much more.
in this niche, you don't have to set extra categories in the menu as you can cover them in subcategories. if you have 'blogging' in your menu or categories then you don't have to add 'adsense' as a category because it related to blogging so cover it with blogging. yes, you can absolutely tag it as 'adsense'.
and in the same way, you can cover SEO in blogging category and tag it generally.
and in the same way, you can cover SEO in blogging category and tag it generally.
this will motivate you before you start creating a tech blog of your own.
be sure you are passionate about your niche this is the most important thing for you and your blog.
before we learn how to start a technical blog, I hope you understood the above-listed thoughts and advice.
How to start a successful tech blog?
Starting a Successful technical blog with simple steps
Make sure why you selected this niche?
You can't do anything without knowing the purpose of creating a tech blog. If you don't know why! Then also you don't know what are you going to deliver to your readers. There are many reasons one selects to be a technical blogger but there are most probably two reasons that come first. First is to earn and the second is to deliver knowledge which also involves a hobby.
Better you go for the second. Give knowledge, offer help with interesting contents and help them find something worthy to read and share.
There is the only way to earn is to write for your readers and you will earn for sure but if you are going for the first reason then you will fail.
Hope you understand why it is important to know that why are you going to blog and why you have select that definite niche.
Name your blog the right way
We should remember that a name of blog is lifeblood for your blog. You can do with the name of your blog that You may not be able to do with your post itself. Yes, you heard it right. A blog name which involves a right keyword or some keywords will generate more clicks from Google's organic traffic.
I have seen some blogs with free domains of blogspot like the one you are reading getting more than thousands click and impressions per month just because they have used keywords in their blog name.
Always name your blog according to blog niche or related to the ideas your blog generally shares.
If you don't have any idea and you don't want to do this then you can use your own name making it suitable. However, putting your own name as your blog name will make you work more on your contents.
Therefore, selecting a right name for your tech blog will help your blog rank high in Google.
Gather the knowledge you are to give
It is important to have knowledge about your work or what you will be doing simply.
You can't deliver anything to your readers if you don't know about your subject. You have selected to be a technical blogger and you know more about fitness, sports, and food than technology that means there is something missing.
Don't worry we still can make it easy. You can learn in every age. If you don't have the knowledge you can gather it and learning is the way.
How to learn and gather more knowledge?
Nothing, just read daily 5-7 blog post about the related niche that You are in.
Give time yourself watching a few YouTube video daily.
That is what everyone does to boost knowledge and to prepare a plan.
First learn about your niche, once it is done then go for a topic or your blog post, learn about it and make a post using your all knowledge and all skills.
Improve the appearance of your blog
Remember, the responsive design of your blog matters a lot as our look for us. Paying attention to the look of your blog you have to make it mobile friendly also.
You can get free and paid templates online for your blog or website which are mobile friendly and fit your screen of mobile. You can apply default blogger template if you are using blogger. They are free and mobile friendly and more importantly, they are by Google.
Don't just go for a stylish and colourful theme, you can apply a simple theme and simple themes are mobile friendly.
Remember no one likes white background, yellow text and other things that are useless on a blog. Everyone would press back after just visiting your blog.
So it is simply a truth that a responsive template is very important for your blog and enhancements which will help you make SEO friendly blog and will also help you gain traffic.
Customise your blog the right way
Customisation helps you enjoy the positive results. always customise just after creating a blog whenever you create. proper customisation of a blog make it responsive for readers and search engines and chances are high to get indexed and get ranked.
when it comes to customisation of the blog the first thing to come to mind is categories for our blog that we put or set in the menu. it is better to go for up to 5-7 categories in the main menu as more will make our blog lazy and will probably create a negative look that people and Google avoid. don't worry about the other categories you are to write about, tags are the best ways to use them in a great way.
Cover all your subcategories with your main categories as I mentioned above in the starting of this article.
and here I am showing you again with an example.
if you have 'blogging' in your categories then you don't have to create categories like Adsense, SEO, templates etc. as you cover these subcategories in your main category which is blogging.
secondly, if you are using a logo for your blog it is better to set it on the top, some bloggers put it anywhere in empty spaces. I have seen them put below at the end of their blog. this is bad experience and experiment.
set a search bar so people can search their favourite post or what they are looking for.
arrange an email subscription button so they can subscribe you which will help you improve your traffic and engagements.
help them share your blog posts on social media putting social sharing buttons. here is the best free platform that offers you free Sharing buttons, widgets, and plugins.
you should not forget to set your fan page, youtube channel, Twitter and other profiles so people stay connected with you and read your every blog post. this makes your customization process complete.
I suggest you never go for stuffing of things this will make your blog slow. a simple looking blog with just necessary customization is easy to go smoother and get positive results.
work hard and deliver it to your visitors
you have to work hard for any kind of works. without hard work nothing is possible. your blog needs your hard work the same way any business of the world needs.
you have to put all the hard work to create quality contents. create an ease for your readers, provide something that they would love and come back again to you for more ideas and will become the regular visitors of your blog.
research on the topic that you have taken to create an article based on it. collect all the information about that particular idea or topic. combine all the multiple ideas and arrange them in the right ways and the right manners to create an amazing article and an updated version of old posts.
once you got all ideas and combined them then optimize it for the search engines which will help you reach more and more people. work on on page SEO and off page SEO.
quality contents are more likely to be read and shared. so keep working on making your contents seo friendly and full of quality.
Be the reader of your own blog yourself
yes, by reading our own blog or blog posts regularly helps us encounter our mistakes and to learn from them. we can study our lacks and improve them.
generally to be the reader of our own blog allows us to experiment on it and experiments are always good.
always read twice before you hit publish, proofreading is always helpful. one wrong choice or mistake can change the mind of your readers easily. it takes longer to build something than to lose it.
not just you should be your own reader but you should be the reader of other blogs related to your niche or subject that will help you learn more about your blog and will help you generate ideas for your next articles.
at least spend 30-60 minutes reading other blogs daily. doing this for daily will help you understand the demands and will make you able to make decisions for your blog.
so always read and write thus you can create a better post.
work with patience it never delays
patience is the key to anything you do. therefore, be patient and wait it will take time but it will never delay. you can not see changes or better results in just a few days if you are blogging. you have to wait for it. the results will come automatically and they will come for sure. all you have to do is to keep producing better quality contents and to work on other aspects of your blog.
if you are serious about blogging then you would not worry about waiting for sometimes. just never give up as everything takes time to start.
Friends, I would like to say that never lose hope just keep working on your goals and one day you will be successful in blogging. you just have to work hard and to be loyal to your niche. stay away from shortcuts if you want to make your blog successful.
following these simple steps will help you start a successful technical blog.
being a technical blogger is a fun and never get it as hard but instead of this enjoy it and never stop learning. learning is something that will lead you further closer to your goals.
one additional recommendation I want to suggest to you is that it is really good to pre-plan your schedule and tasks. so always come with preparation in your mind that will make you able to do well and prevent the pressure and also you will be able to use your precious time in the right way.
so finally, if you are going to create and start a successful technical blog then don't wait for more and just go and create your tech blog. all the best for your blogging career and thank you very much for reading our article Tech Blog | Starting a successful technical blog with simple steps.
hope, it will help you begin your journey in the right way.
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